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    科士达UPS电源日常要做好防尘和除尘工作, 特别是在干燥的气候地区,空气中有许多灰烬颗粒。 机器内部的风扇会将灰尘带入机器内以进行沉积。 空气潮湿时,会使主机控制疾病并导致主机异常工作。 灰尘还会导致设备严重散热,因此须定期清理UPS上的灰尘。

    尽管科士达储能电池组当前使用免维护电池,但这仅免除了之前的测量,匹配和定期添加蒸馏水的工作。 但是,外部工作条件对电池的影响没有改变,异常工作条件对电池的影响也没有改变。 这部分的维护和大修工作仍然非常重要。 UPS电源系统的大量维护和大修工作主要在电池部分。其二是检查除尘时连接部件和插头是否松动并且接触不良。


    The UPS power supply of costa should do a good job in dust prevention and dust removal, especially in dry climate areas, there are many ash particles in the air.A fan inside the machine brings dust into the machine for deposition.When the air is moist, it can cause the host to control the disease and cause the host to work abnormally.Dust can also lead to severe heat dissipation of equipment, so dust on UPS must be cleaned regularly.

    Although the costco battery pack currently USES maintenance-free batteries, this only eliminates the previous work of measuring, matching and adding distilled water regularly.However, the effect of external working conditions on the battery has not changed, nor has the effect of abnormal working conditions on the battery.This part of the maintenance and overhaul work is still very important.The bulk of the maintenance and overhaul of the UPS power system is in the battery sector.The other is to check whether the connection parts and plugs are loose and have poor contact when dusting.

    上一条:科士达UPS不间断电源在功率选择上须有适当的余量 下一条:科士达UPS电源能防雷吗?